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  • Access to 24/7

    • hay is netted (all hay is tested)

    • mats under all feeders, multiple styles of feeders

    • large shelters (most paddocks have multiple shelters)

    • Clean water troughs (heated in cool weather and through the winter)

    • Balanced herds ensuring horses have all 3 F's 

    • Freedom, Forage and Friends 

  • Sandy soil base makes for clean and quick drying paddocks 

  • Horses are stalled for supplementing in the mornings while paddocks are cleaned/manure removed/ maintenance performed ensuring all horses consume exactly what is in their feed program.

  • Carriers provided 

    • Organic alfalfa pellets ​

    • Non-GMO beet pulp 

    • Non-GMO Timothy cubes 

  • Indoor arena is quiet and welcoming

  • Outdoor grass arena 100 x 200

  • Trails, more to come 

  • Heated tack room, individual lockers 


We also provide on site healing programs for horses, ponies and donkeys with chronic or acute health conditions who need fundamental changes in order to begin and continue healing. We are pleased to offer a variety of living environments including dry lots, track systems, and pasture access depending on your horse’s specific needs/requirements.  


Board on track systems starting at $975 (plus hst)



Health  conditions we assist include but are not limited to: EMS Equine Metabolic Syndrome, PPID, laminitis/ founder recovery, injury recovery, and weight loss programs.   We also assist horse who are emotionally shut down and need to re-"find" themselves in their physical body.  We work closely with veterinarians and holistic practitioners.


When a horse comes to us for rehabilitation it is imperative that we are informed about their current living situation and condition.  Horses can make vast improvements with a lifestyle change that is better suited to their health needs, but it is key that they are also supported nutritionally and physically.  We perform a very thorough consolation and intake session.


We have several packages available that are customized during rehabilitation depending on what is required on a daily basis for their optimal healing. 


A nutritional consultation is done to gauge how your horse’s system is functioning and to locate any weaknesses which are present within their body.  This focusses on their biofield. 


From there we develop a program to support their healing process.  Images are often requested if they have not be taken recently.  


Horse owners often wait too long before realizing it is time to make a drastic change.  it doesn't take long for an acute condition to become chronic.  If you're unsure whether your horse is considered to be in need of rehabilitation, contact us today to discuss further.  The sooner you reach out for support; the faster they can get back on track to a healthier version of themselves again.  We also provide alot of off site healing support.


Our facility is located just 1 hour North of Toronto, Ontario. We are located in Tottenham. 


Inquire for pricing.

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